Email: hannah at ai dot vub dot ac dot be
Academic Webpage including publications, presentations and the like: https://ai.vub.ac.be/~hannah/home.html
Hear my thoughts: Twitter
My posts: http://www.replicatedtypo.com/author/hannah?post_type=post
Culture, its evolution and anything inbetween
Email: hannah at ai dot vub dot ac dot be
Academic Webpage including publications, presentations and the like: https://ai.vub.ac.be/~hannah/home.html
Hear my thoughts: Twitter
My posts: http://www.replicatedtypo.com/author/hannah?post_type=post
Hi Hannah,
just came across your post on my 2010 paper. I realized that this is actually the first citation of it, which is pretty cool, if you ask me:-) So thank you for that.
The stuff that you said about Hungarian sounds interesting to me. I’m currently searching for languages that are actually case increasing, because I want to better understand the mechanisms associated with grammaticalization of postpositions. So it would be nice if you could send that paper to me. Also, I would be interested to read your work on FDS. Bodo mentioned it to me and he wants to integrate it into our next paper.
Sorry for being 1.5 years late:-) I really enjoyed reading the discussion about the paper. Nice to see that people actually start thinking about that stuff!
Keep in touch,
Hi Christian,
Good to hear from you. Sorry that post about Hungarian was written before I’d fully got a hand on the whole literature about acquisition biases having effects on language typology and so is largely nonsense, but I’m glad it rose the profile of the issues that you covered in that paper.
I sent the FDS stuff to Bodo, so you can get it off him or drop me an email at the above address and I’ll reply with it. Regarding the Hungarian stuff, all I have is an undergrad dissertation which assumes a minimalist framework, so I may have to play about with it – now that I am older and more sensible – before I let it out into the world again.
Thanks for getting in touch, I’m sure our paths will cross again in the future.
Hi Hannah
From now on I shall never visit a library without a curious sniff.
I recently escaped from 10 years in an environment where detecting typos was part of the job, so the “form” for “from” in your introduction jumped out and hit me between the eyes.
I hope to see you at the George on July 18th.
Thanks Michael, I’ll make sure not to replicate it in future introductions.
There’s some good stuff on this blog if you want to prepare yourself for the 18th.